Category Archives: Videos

57 Years of Service

57 años al servicio de la gente, felicidades Carlos Fuentes y todos los que hacen posible el trabajo para rescatar a las personas que se encuentran en riesgo. Francisco Campos Comandos De Salvamento Base Central

Posted by Edgardo Portillo on Wednesday, October 4, 2017


Extrication of Young Driver

Our Extrication team  assisting 22yo Cristian Alexander Mejía..

Our CDS Extrication team was immediately dispatched to kilómetro 5 del Bulevar del Ejército to extricate 22yo Cristian Alexander Mejía who was a licensed plate vehicle 318-393 after it had struck the back of a ruta 29 bus. Fortunately none of the passengers in the bus were injured. Pneumatic tools, Jaws of Life, and extenders were used to extricate and the patient was secured, packaged, and immediately transferred to higher level of care at Rosales Hospital.


Cristian Alexander Mejía, is supported with physical stabilization and emotional support while being extricated by Comandos.
The Patient receiving assistance.
C Spine Maintained.

Vice News Covers Comandos: Gangs Targeting Youth

Gangs have been a part of El Salvador for many decades now and has always been a difficult situation for the youth of El Salvador. This theme fluctuates up and down though in the public eye through the media depending on the geo political environment between El Salvador and the United States. We are grateful for Vice covering our work under somewhat trying circumstances.

6 DOA and Many Injured in Olocuilta

Seis personas fallecidas y cerca de 15 heridos fue el saldo de un accidente de tránsito ocurrido sobre la Autopista a Comalapa a la altura del pupusodro de Olocuilta, departamento de La Paz.

6 dead and 15 injured were the result of an MVA that took place on the freeway to the international airport near the pupusa stands in La Paz dept.

Comandos de Salvamento collaborated with other first responders to recover and rescue passengers from a local bus that fell down an embankment. Forensics from Medicina a legal are present still identifying the deceased.


Socorristas luchan contra el tiempo para salvar la vida de las personas que iban en la buseta que cayó a barranca de 15 metros.

Cerca de 15 pasajeros resultaron lesionados.

Excursionistas iban con destino a San Marcelino.

Lesionados fueron llevados a distintos centros asistenciales.