Selma has Comandos on Alert

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The road to Planes de Renderos was barely holding out during the Selma Tropical Storm.

Comandos are staying on alert due to the tropical storm increasing over the last few hours in El Salvador

CDS Eastern delegate bases are on call and ready to respond at any moments notice while monitoring river levels and homes that could be affected in case of flooding. Humble living areas have been affected in Apastepeque, San Vicente but no injuries or missing people have been reported. Strong winds in the Dept of Usulután have caused large trees to collapse.

Varios árboles se derribaron ante las ráfagas de vientos de Selma.

Los vientos en las primeras horas de la mañana destruyeron algunos techos de viviendas en Apastepeque.
La lluvia causo desbordamiento sobre la carretera Panamericana a la altura de Apastepeque, San Vicente.
La lluvia causo desbordamiento sobre la carretera Panamericana a la altura de Apastepeque, San Vicente.

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