Patron Saint Days Vacation Ends

Comandos again participate in the yearly procession of the Salvador del Mundo.

CDS does their yearly carrying of Salvador del Mundo from the Basílica del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús to the Central Metropolitan Cathedral in downtown San Salvador.

More than 50 Comandos carrying the weight.

The procession going along the Calle Rubén Darío in downtown San Salvador.

The new cardinal, Gregorio Rosa Chávez and the archbishop of San Salvador Monseñor José Luis Escobar Alas.

6 DOA and Many Injured in Olocuilta

Seis personas fallecidas y cerca de 15 heridos fue el saldo de un accidente de tránsito ocurrido sobre la Autopista a Comalapa a la altura del pupusodro de Olocuilta, departamento de La Paz.

6 dead and 15 injured were the result of an MVA that took place on the freeway to the international airport near the pupusa stands in La Paz dept.

Comandos de Salvamento collaborated with other first responders to recover and rescue passengers from a local bus that fell down an embankment. Forensics from Medicina a legal are present still identifying the deceased.


Socorristas luchan contra el tiempo para salvar la vida de las personas que iban en la buseta que cayó a barranca de 15 metros.

Cerca de 15 pasajeros resultaron lesionados.

Excursionistas iban con destino a San Marcelino.

Lesionados fueron llevados a distintos centros asistenciales.

An Injury in Opico

Una persona resultó con lesiones luego de accidentarse el automotor en el cual se conducía como pasajero contra un bus de la ruta 202 sobre la carretera Panamericana a la altura del desvió de San Juan Opico.

A CDS element from our satellite base in Ciudad Arce was immediately dispatched to assist 43yo Nora Imelda Cuestas Hernández who was in an MVA. The pt had been traveling as a passenger when the car crashed into a ruta 202 bus traveling along the Panamaerican Highway in San Juan Opico.  The patient was secured, packaged and transported to higher level of care.

CDS offering first aid while assessing level of consciousness.


Prepared for the Transfiguration Event

CDS will have more than 500 volunteers and 25 ambulances ready at the annual transfiguration event in downtown San Salvador.

Socorristas de Comandos de Salvamento listos para la transfiguración del Divino Salvador del Mundo.

Patrullaje de Comandos de Salvamento en Feria Consuma.

Foto para el recuerdo.

Stand de Comando de Salvamento en pabellón 4 Feria Consuma.