Doctors of the Americas train Salvadoran Doctors

Doctores de las Américas held a conference for Advanced Life Support and care for providers of FOSALUD, the Salvadoran National EMS system, and for Doctors and first responders of Comandos de Salvamento.  Classes included the use of advanced equipment such as a portable scanner that can detect internal bleeding.

Scanning for hemorrhaging in a patient.

Dr. Peter LoFaso explains artificial breathing.

Dr. Andrew Badulak leader of Doctors of the Americas leads the opening of the conference.

Doctors of the Americas Long Standing Mission to El Salvador

Dr. Andrew Badulak,chief leader of Doctors of the Americas.

Love for their fellow man is the main reason Doctors of the Americas exists. They exchange sadness for a wonderful smile via medication or clothing donations.

For the last 15 years, Comandos de Salvamento have hosted Doctors of the Americas for health brigades that include ophthalmology and general health consults for the poor of El Salvador.

Young Medical students join this group in the United States, and some stay on as permanent volunteers throughout their professional career. Jóvenes médicos que se unen a esta organización en los Estados Unidos y que ocupan sus vacaciones para poder llegar al país y realizar dichas jornadas, sin importar la distancia ni las incomodidades con las que se cuenta para poder realizar su trabajo, ellos siempre están dispuestos a servir. Dr. Usaima Sidiqi, spouse of Andrew, accompanied him this year.

Said doctors from the USA also do small surgeries, and give out toys to needy children that are waiting for other family members that are having consults.

Dr. Farhan Shah doing a small surgery in  San Carlos Lempa, during the health brigade in collaboration with Comandos.

Julia Badulak returns to El Salvador after 9 years with spouse Robert McCaw.
Dra. Usaima Sidiqi with her fracture, takes a rest in San Carlos Lempa.

Another small surgery in San Miguel Tepezontes.