Geriatric Rescue

Comando EMS aseguran el bienestar del paciente.
Comando EMS securing patient for transport.
The High Angle Rescue team from Comandos de Salvamento was able to rescue 77yo MarÍa Francisca Orellana de after she accidentally fell into a 30 meter deep well in the Community of El Plan within la Colonia Margot in Apopa north of San Salvador. She was secured and imediately transported safely to Zacamil Hospital in Ayutuxtepeque.

Fotos Cortesía CDS/ Carlos Fuentes

El proceso del rescate por el equipo de rescate CDS.
Rescue efforts in the well by the High Angle team.

“Juventud+Servicio, Seguridad del Prójimo”
@alertacomando ‪#‎yorespondo‬ 2016